1) Some of the major reason that lead to the rise of Nazis Germany were; the Great Depression that hit Worldwide as result of the crash of the stock market in America leading to severe economic disaster in Germany; and the Reichstag was set on fire on a pretext of a terrorist attack, which led to the creation of Reichstag Fire Decrees and the enabling Act which grants Hitler government full dictatorial powers.
2) The Nazis were able to resolve conflicts between the workers and owner by controlling the prices and wages of products and workers; also the independent unions were destroy in favor of a Nazi controlled national union, the German Labor Front.
3) The significance of the phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei" which means work makes one free, is for the Jews who were used as slave laborer to make them believe that if they work with all their heart they may be free.
4) State capitalism is when the state exercise control by its ability to control financing and credit, prices of raw material, and the wages paid to workers, as well as setting production goals for corporations to follow. It relates to the Nazi German because they were able to control all the corporation's products, prices and wages in their country and within the country that were taken over by them.
5) I can evaluate the psychological causes of antisemitism in the context of German Society as a way that the German see the Jews as a torn that they cannot wait to get off their feet.because they holds high position in banks, government, universities and society. Though they want to get them off their back but they do not anticipate the genocide that came along with the acceptance of the Nazis regime.