Friday, April 27, 2012


The scene that I choose is the Night and Fog part 3, in 1942, at the camp Himmler pays a visit telling the Nazis that they must destroy , but productively, and leaving the production aspect to the technician.  He was talking about how to commit mass murderer of the Jews and what they going to do with their bodies. They build gas chamber to execute the inmate especially the new arrival . They were were striped, took their pictures before their mass killing by using zyklon gas. Some were burned by piling their bodies on top of each other, some bodies were cremated. They sell everything they get from them including using their flesh for soap, the female hair were sold for 15pfennigs a kilo for making clothes and the bones were used for fertilizer. And some were used as laboratory specimen. Casualties were  about nine million people. I choose the part because it was inhumane what the Nazis did to the Jews and at the end all of the officer and the kapos were claiming innocent. Some of the kapos were able to get away from justice. I hope this kind of history never repeat itself.

1) Some of the major reason that lead to the rise of Nazis Germany were; the Great Depression that  hit     Worldwide as result of the crash of the stock market in America leading to severe economic disaster  in      Germany; and  the Reichstag was set on fire on a pretext of a terrorist attack, which led to the creation of  Reichstag Fire Decrees and the enabling Act which grants Hitler government full dictatorial powers.

2) The Nazis were able to resolve conflicts between the workers and owner by controlling the prices and wages of products and workers; also the independent unions were destroy in favor of a Nazi controlled national union, the German Labor Front.

3) The significance of the phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei"  which means work makes one free, is for the Jews who were used as slave laborer to make them believe that if they work with all their heart they may be free.

4) State capitalism is when the state exercise control by its ability to control financing and credit, prices of raw material, and the wages paid to workers, as well as setting production goals for corporations to follow. It relates to the Nazi German because they were able to control all the corporation's products, prices and wages  in their country and within the country that were taken over by them.

5) I can evaluate the psychological causes of antisemitism in the context of German Society as a way that the German see the Jews as a  torn that they cannot wait to get off their feet.because they holds high position in banks, government, universities and society. Though they want to get them off their back but they do not anticipate the genocide that came along with the acceptance of the Nazis regime.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Max Weber speech is interesting on how politics was performed in twentieth century which is still  occurs today. There would always be people hungry for power with a pretends that they want to serve their country. As soon as they resume the office, their mission will be to maintain their power by following their predecessors steps in the name of national security. and let the civil servants or lower level officer performs their dirty work. And we would be the one voting for them by believing their lies over and over the time. The citizens will be coarse in doing their will as soon as they resume power. It is either you do it or face the consequences.

The passage that I choose from "Politics as Vocation" from Max Weber is,
"Weber contends that civil servants and political leaders have two different conceptions of honor which means they have different concepts of success and prestige in carrying out their duties:
The honor of the civil servant is vested in his ability to execute conscientiously the order of the superior authorities, exactly as if the order agreed with his own conviction. This holds even if the order appears wrong to him and if, despite the civil servant’s remonstrances, the authority insists on the order. Without this moral discipline and self-denial, in the highest sense, the whole apparatus would fall to pieces. The honor of the political leader, of the leading statesman, however, lies precisely in an exclusive personal responsibility for what he does, a responsibility he cannot and must not reject or transfer. It is in the nature of officials of high moral standing to be poor politicians, and above all, in the political sense of the word, to be irresponsible politicians (p. 95)."
The civil servants are force to follow the books that has been written down for them by the politician like their Bible or book of worship, or be released of their duties or face civil court for not performing their duties well and indirectly the politician will take the responsibility of the action of the civil servant. I like this passage because it relates to what is going on in the world, for example, the IRS take our taxes and the government have to take responsibility for it. Also the police department with their "stop and frisk" rules, though they overdo it sometimes but it still goes back to the government responsibility. The ACS (child protective services) will take someone else kid in the name of the government. There are lot of injustice passing down to the citizens through the civil servants in the name of  the government and we have to abide by it or be forced to do it.