The passage that I choose from the essay ON Pain by Junger is "As a rule one will not have to go far to uncover the pain. Indeed, even the individual is not fully free from pain in this joyful state of security. The artificial check on the elementary forces might be able to prevent violent clashes and to ward off shadows, but it cannot stop the dispersed light with which pain permeates life. The vessel, sealed off from pain’s full flow, is filled drop by drop. Boredom is nothing other than the dissolution of pain in time (p. 13)." He is talking about how a country is full of security such as the army force or police force to prevent the citizen from violent attacks or terrorism, but still everybody has there own share of pain or sorrows to carry around. I choose this passage because it relates to what is going on everywhere, for example in this country after the 9/11 attacked, the States tighten their security to protect us from another terrorist attack, but does that reduce or eliminate individual pain? Things happen to people, it could be physical, health or emotional pain, we all still pass through this pain at one time or the other in our life, it is how we deal with it that matters.
1) According to Junger's thesis that pain is the central experience of life, I agree with him, most people learn through personal or other peoples bad experience. And, there is no experience that is good experience. When you had bad experience it usually attached to emotional pain. I look around me to see how many people achieved their goal in an easy way, none so far, because life is not fair to anybody which leads to emotional pain.
2) Post-liberal refer to the progress after the World War II, it is the transformation of liberal education into specialize education, and also the rapid introduction of technology into all areas of human life and its penetration into humanity. It relates to the idea of progress by translating human thought or ideal into machinery or technology which increases the efficiency of work.
3)According to Junger, the photograph is an "evil eye" because it is an artificial eye or lens that magnifies your mistakes or perfections to the world to see through pictures.
4) The relationship between the specialize education and the "worker type" was that they were both had an area of specialization. There was no restriction on the type of knowledge or education for students, therefore they would be able to specialized in their are of study and the worker type were working according to their specialized field.
5)Submission to totalitarian authorities protect an individual from pain by following the order given to them by their governments according to Junger, but I do not agree with that theory, because it cannot protect you from emotional pain.
I like the passage you selected. I do agree with you about the false sense of security that the authority provide. After 911 we all became painfully aware of our vulnerability and in the process gave up many of our liberties in pursue of security. However, we all remained afraid and most get paralyzed with pain at the sight of a low flying air plain. We can never escape emotional pain.